Marie Turnor Accessories is a Los Angeles-based handbag and accessories company from designer Beth Goodman. The classic style of Marie Turnor embraces timelessness over trendiness in the spirit of finding beauty in everyday things - a paper bag, an envelope, the colors of nature.  The brand's essence lies in the realization that practical things are also exquisite.

We primarily use leather for our handbags. Leather is a natural product with the qualities necessary for use in handbags: strength and durability. The leather we use is a by-product of the meat industry. No animals were killed for their skins only, but rather to feed people. Unlike faux leathers, most of which are petroleum products that remain forever in the ecosystem, natural leather is a renewable, bio-degradable resource. Leather has been used by man-kind to make wearable items since our beginnings. At Marie Turnor we believe in the beauty of the natural differences in the hides we use. 

 Our designer, Beth was born in New York with an innate ability to make things beautiful.  She studied art in London before attending the Fashion Institute of Technology for textile and fashion design.  After graduation she launched a lingerie company, where her award-winning designs were featured in publications such as Vogue and W.  She traveled frequently to Europe for both work and pleasure before eventually relocating to Los Angeles to style wardrobe in advertising, music, and film.

 As a stylist, Beth became known for her classic and timelessly chic eye, which later became the foundation for Marie Turnor Accessories.  Drawn once again to her love of textiles and making things, Beth found herself attracted to handbag and wallet designs and thus the Marie Turnor brand was born in 2009. Gaining inspiration from unexpected yet everyday objects, Beth’s early designs quickly gained a cult-like following. The Picnic clutch, a best-seller, was conceived when Beth spotted an elegant woman in Paris walking down the street with a paper bag in her hand, while the Idea bag was designed out of necessity after carrying samples in an Ikea bag. The brand currently offers a range of products, from Lunches, Dinners and Snaks, three variations on the best-selling Picnic, to wallets and handbags.

Marie Turnor can be found in premium boutiques around the world as well as online at Marie Turnor is committed to quality and individuality; and all products are proudly made in Southern California by skilled craftspeople.